Most Popular House Designs
by Augustus Suglia, Architect
Building a home of your own is a part of the American dream that can be the most exciting and rewarding experience of your lifetime. That's why it's so important to take your time and go over the details of a house before you build. You must be certain that it's not just a house but your Dream House.
Most-Wanted Features:
When you see a plan that looks perfect, study it carefully to be certain it meets your requirements. Is it suited to a growing family, retirement, relaxing weekends away from the work-a-day grind? Most important, does it include the features on your "most wanted" list? For example:
Are there enough closets? Is kitchen stowaway space generous? Are work counters adequate? Is there a separate dining room? An informal breakfast area? Is there a family room for relaxed togetherness, television and good-natured kibitzing with the cook? Is there a private bath for the master suite? His and Her Closets? Has a lavatory been provided close to the work area? Is the house well-zoned so living, working and sleeping areas are separated? Has a mud room been provided near service or garage area? Is there a laundry?
Each family's list of "most-wanted" features will differ. Be sure the home you select includes your absolute "musts." If you have to sacrifice in the interests of economy, be sure you cut budget corners wisely.
Energy-Saving Details:
Some things - deluxe appliances, paneling and wall coverings - can wait. Don't economize on such important features as, for example, insulation. Initially it may be costly but the investment will pay off in the long run, helping you to conserve fuel and to keep heating bills as low as possible. Be sure to keep posted on tax advantages.
How to Order:
The quality house designs that follow have proved their popularity with families throughout the country who have built their own homes. To order blueprints for construction, or to contact us see our taskbar on the bottom of each page.

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