Q. What is a "Study Set of Plans"?
A. To help you in deciding if you would like to purchase a particular house plan we at Homes for Today are now selling study sets of plans for $89.00.
We will give you full credit for the $89.00 if you decide to go ahead and purchase the four or seven sets package of full construction drawings within 60 days of your "study set" purchase.
Each study set of plans consists of the floor plans and all the exterior elevations to scale (1/4"= 1'-0"). This will allow you to study the actual floor plans and see what details and materials are used on all sides of the building.
The plans are not for construction and have no detail information such as roofing, foundation, interior elevations or construction notes.
These plans are not returnable or exchangeable.
To order a study set of one of our house plans give us a call at 516-569-4241. We accept most major credit cards.
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Copyright ŠAugustus Suglia 1997-2003