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Augustus Suglia, A.I.A.
382 Church Avenue
Cedarhurst, L. I., N. Y. 11516
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Vacation Homes

House Plan # 2119 Square Footage- 737 1st Floor, 737 2nd Floor.     Total 1,474 sq.ft.

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House Plan #2119 -This two-story barn style house design is perfectly planned to make living easy and comfortable.

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House Design # 2119 has a living room with a wood-burning fireplace, a combination kitchen/dining room featuring a large bay window, bedroom, full bath and a foyer totaling 737 square feet of living space on the first floor. The foyer entrance leads to all areas including the full basement. Sliding doors lead from the living room to the terrace and rear yard. The second floor that is accessed via the silo stairs has two bedrooms that can be used for weekend guests or visiting grandchildren, a full bath and two storage areas. The overall dimensions are 27 feet, 4 inches wide by 27 feet deep.



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